Leo May 2014 Horoscope

Leo Monthly Horoscope: May 2014

May 2014 Astrology Leo: Really like & Relationships

Love will have the potential to impact your opinions and concepts, to start new capabilities to you. In May 2014, Leos will be able to find surprising religious measurements or to find the globe by the part of the individual they love.

Romantic visits and connections that will start at a range or that will surpass social, religious or even ethical limitations will be further opportunities in May 2014.

On the other side, Leo will significantly need comforting at the psychological stage. You won't be as extensive as before, nor will you experience like referring to your emotions with anybody, at any time.

Yes, you do like to have community performances, to interact socially, maybe even more than in the past several weeks, but when it comes to the several lifestyle, you want to keep it far away from indiscrete site. Or maybe you're going through an interval of loneliness?

Your love & connections horoscope in May 2014 can be better recognized in the perspective of Leo love & connections horoscope 2014 (opens in new window).

May 2014 Astrology Leo: Profession & Money

The Sun, Leo's innovator, will be in Leo's home of career, so you'll have per 30 days of achievements. You'll have big dreams and you'll experience the need for admiration and concern.

The Sun, the one that creates everything develop and flower, will provide you with the opportunity to glow very vibrantly, to development of the sight of the others, to venture the picture of a able individual, in management of the scenario, as an remarkable innovator and manager.

As far as you are involved, you won't extra any attempt to be at the top: you'll endeavor to do everything very well, even completely if possible. And you'll get all the compliment.

Financially, in May 2014 Leos will have factors to be optimistic: Mercury, the innovator of Leo's home of cash, will be in an outstanding place. Chance could come through individual attempt, but also through buddies or conditions relevant to a team (Reunion, company, etc.).

Leo career & cash horoscope 2014 might offer perspective to work & cash horoscope for May 2014 (the web page reveals in a new window).

May 2014 Astrology Leo: Wellness and fitness & Morale

Leo's health shouldn't be neglected in the first 50 percent in May 2014.

Resistance Sun (Leo's ruler) will create with Saturn (the innovator of Leo's home of diseases) could cause you issues.

Treat conditions you know of carefully, don't reveal yourself to overstate initiatives and try to have a healthy lifestyle!

Moderation and caution!

Astrology's Guidance for Leo in May 2014